The Partners in Mission Designated Offering Program at Grace is one of the ways that we are Reaching Out in Christ's Love. Each month, we pass the plate for an organization that aligns with our Mission, and about whose mission our members and friends feel passionately. Our impact is doubled thanks to the Grace Foundation, who match every gift dollar for dollar, up to $2,000/month.
Without the right to a public defender, both adults and children in immigration detention appear in court alone without an attorney. They may be deported back to the unsafe situations they have fled. The Florence Project offers them a lifeline through free legal and social services and advocacy.
Social services include such things as mental health counseling, healthcare support, crisis planning, housing, pregnancy or parenting support, and education. Advocacy includes appeals to the Board of Immigration and various Courts, along with amicus (friend of the court) briefs. Generating and promoting news stories that highlight the plight of immigrants is another part of advocacy. In each of these areas, they collaborate with other national legal service providers and humanitarian organizations. In 2023, they served over 25,000 people from 83 countries, over 17,000 of whom were unaccompanied children.
Legal Services
Their team of attorneys and legal assistants provide legal education and representation to adults and children in immigration detention.
Social Services
Their team of social workers facilitate our trauma-informed provision of legal services and provide critical support to address our clients’ needs beyond their legal cases.
Their advocacy team advances the rights of adults and children in immigration detention and advances systemic change.
Learn more at
The Situation:
Multiple wildfires have broken out across Los Angeles County in California, with tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders. Sparked by dry conditions, strong winds and a limited water supply, these fires have destroyed homes and businesses and have led to injuries and loss of life. News is still unfolding about the full impact as firefighting efforts continue.
Our Response:
Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities for months and years to come.
What you can do:
Please pray for communities in California impacted by the wildfires. May God's healing presence bring them peace and hope in their time of need and give strength to those working diligently to contain the fires and care for affected communities.
Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to communities affected by wildfires and related disasters. These gifts also empower us to respond to disasters whenever and wherever they strike. Gifts to "U.S. Wildfires" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.
Learn more at
Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains has been formally in existence for 11 years this January. We exist to guide chaplains in the mission of serving first responders and equip them with knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve with confidence and excellence.
I had the privilege of joining RMPFC as a full-time chaplain in September 2021. We are a 501c3 and I am responsible for raising 100% of my income through faithful and generous donors.
I have volunteered as the lead chaplain for the Boulder Police Department for the past 4.5 years. Our goal as chaplains is to provide spiritual support to our first responders, civilian staff, and their families.
I now have the pleasure of overseeing all 17 of our chaplains in the Boulder County Region as well as our entire Regional team across Colorado.
Ashley Oliver
Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains
Boulder Regional Coordinator
Below are the organizations we have contributed to over the past few years through our designated PiM Offering.